Document Management Software

Document Management Software helps to acheive minimized risks as much as possible. Managing documents help organizations ensure consent and expectations. Be it SOPs, Process documents, manuals, guidelines, training materials, checklists, forms or their templates, all mandatorily need to be shared amongst all the employees. All of them are subject to revisions and changes – they pose specific challenges especially when they aren’t stored at central locations.

Ease of sharing with version controls, accessibility, approvals and defined permissions are some of the necessary software traits in document management.

Objective of Document Management Software

It is a digital tool that enables organizations to efficiently create, store, organize, retrieve, and track documents. The objective of the document management software module is to provide a comprehensive solution for efficient document handling, improving organizational workflows, collaboration, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Features of Document Management Software Module:

  • Categorization & Sub-categorization of documents
  • Provision to differentiate documents based on System level (General documents – available to all) and Functional level (Function-specific)
  • Document approval workflow makes sure that only reviewed and authorized documents are accessible
  • Revision control mechanism with major and minor versioning
  • Up-to-date document access to the defined users
  • Document version availability (obsolete in some cases) in archive for reference purposes.
  • Digitized central space for tracking and retrieving official documents
  • Extensive search provisions – with metadata such as document name, category, sub-category and description.

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